Monday, June 1, 2015

What is RSD?

RSD is the most painful condition ever recorded.  It ranks 42 out of 50 on the McGill Pain Scale

RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy), also known as CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome),  is a non-curable, progressive chronic pain condition.  In most cases, RSD is caused by a sprained ankle or an injury to a limb.  The condition affects the sympathetic nervous system which controls: blood pressure, blood vessel constriction, and heart rate.  The blood vessels in the affected limb constrict which causes inconsistent blood flow.  This inconsistency causes the muscle and bone to deteriorate.

RSD is known as the "Suicide Disease" due to the amount of sufferers who take their own lives

Symptoms include:

Burning pain
Swelling of the limb (edema)
Sensitive to touch / Allodynia (even bed sheets are painful to affected limb)
Aching and stabbing pains
Joint stiffness
Color difference in limb
Temperature difference in limb (cold to touch, but burning inside)
Abnormal sweating of the limb
Muscle spasms
Short term memory problems
Concentration difficulties

Many other symptoms may occur as a result of complications of RSD.  Although RSD sufferers may experience some of the symptoms, they may not experience all of them.  Symptoms may come and go depending on use of the limb and stress.  One of the most important signs is the temperature difference between limbs.  There should not be more than a 2 degree difference between your limbs.  The only other explanation, besides RSD, for a temperature difference would be a blood clot.  Women a 4 times as likely to suffer from RSD and the average age is 40.

Early treatment is crucial.  If you suspect you have RSD, see your doctor as soon as possible.

For more information about RSD, visit:

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