Friday, June 5, 2015

How to get the best possible care for RSD

Getting the best possible care for RSD, early, is crucial to your outcome.  Being treated by a Dr. that is unfamiliar with RSD can actually worsen your condition.

Unfortunately, most people will not have the insurance coverage that will allow them to go to the top RSD doctors.  This means you must do your homework on the doctors that you are able to go to.  Ask the doctors if they have treated RSD before and how familiar they are with the condition.  Also, ask other RSD sufferers in your area who they may recommend.

The most important advice I can give you concerning getting the best possible care is YOU MUST EDUCATE YOURSELF.  You must be your own advocate.  Educate yourself on the various forms of treatments (medications, procedures, etc).  If a doctor recommends a procedure that you are not familiar with, educate yourself about it prior to agreeing to it.  When you have a good understanding for treatments and know what direction you want to go with your treatment plan, speak up.  Tell your doctor how you want to be treated.  If your doctor doesn't agree, then find another doctor.  Unless you are seeing an RSD specialist, you will quickly find that you are the one educating your doctor about the condition and what treatments are best.  

When finding a psychologist, it can be beneficial to find one that deals with chronic pain.

You may consider visiting an RSD specialist and paying out of pocket for at least one visit.  A consultation may give you some direction and advice that you can take back to your local doctor.  A specialist may cost around $200-300 for a consultation.

Also, RSD seminars are held all over the country to educate and raise awareness.  These seminars usually feature doctors that are experts on RSD.  These seminars are helpful in educating patients on the latest news on various treatments and sometimes up and coming treatments.

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