Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Judge decides CRPS patient's claims were exaggerated

Briton Pamela Mykytowych, slipped on a wet hotel lobby floor, causing a fracture to her left knee and resulted in CRPS, complex regional pain syndrome.  The hotel assumed 50% responsibility.  Mykytowych sued for $3.3 million which included loss of future earnings.  The 50 year old had been an endurance racing driver.  Although Judge Choo Han Teck accepted that Mykytowych had CRPS, he found her claims of the effects of CRPS to be exaggerated.  Defense attorneys produced a video showing Mykytowych going on a long walk.  This was contrary to Mykytowych's claims that walking long distances caused her much pain and prevented her from working.  The judge decided that Mykytowych's claims of loss of earnings to be untrue and did not award her the $3.3 million she sued for, instead she ended up with only $9,000!!!  

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