Thursday, June 4, 2015

Just diagnosed with RSD

So your Dr. has just diagnosed you with RSD.  What now?

You will want to make an appointment with a Pain Management doctor.  I would ask if they have treated others with RSD to be sure you have a doctor that is familiar with it.

DO NOT ICE!!!!  Ice is your enemy!  Although you may have a swollen limb and it would seem logical to ice it, do not.  Ice worsens RSD and can cause spreading of the pain to other areas of your body.


AVOID OPIOIDS IF POSSIBLE.  Consistent use of opioids have been shown to worsen RSD.  It can increase hypersensitivity.  There are alternative medications that can be taken for pain.

GETTING TREATMENT ASAP IS CRITICAL!  The sooner you can get treatment, the better chances you have at getting the pain into remission or lessening the effects of RSD.  Time is of the essence.  When I refer to treatment, this means whatever it takes to get your pain under control (medications, physical therapy, procedures, etc).  With RSD, pain signals are sent between the nerves and the brain.  The longer you keep this cycle going, it almost becomes permanently etched in your brain.  The key is to break this cycle sooner rather than later.

DON'T STRESS!  I know this is easier said than done, especially after being diagnosed with a condition such as this, however stress worsens RSD symptoms.  Finding a way for you to de-stress is crucial.  Meditation is a great way to lower stress.  Joining a support group or seeing a therapist are other great alternatives.

Alot of pain management doctors will start out by rx'ing medications and may want to do a sympathetic nerve block.  Nerve blocks can provide short term pain relief as well as they can serve as a diagnostic tool.  These are pretty normal first steps.

Physical therapy can be beneficial if your physical therapist understands RSD.  Beware of physical therapist that are unfamiliar with RSD, they can sometimes cause more harm than good.

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